Mathematics & Social Science Tower

Project Tutors
Sally Stone &  Alberto Y. Vebenes

Project Portfolio:;
+ Design Phase
+Investigation Phase

Mixed-Use, Adaptive Reuse Project Proposal
Manchester M1 3AL,United Kingdom
The project’s design approach is based on the primary city’s elements that take their definitions and meanings from their locations and connection to the surrounding environment. Although they have a robust quality, the environment strengthens their quality.
Considering the above quotations, it can be clarified that The design concept defends this quality inherent in buildings and towns, which cannot be artificially created but is naturally generated over time. That is why the design steps take references from the surrounding natural and artificial environment to make the building whole. 
The architectural design concept draws attention to the profound relationship between urban elements, spatial patterns, and the dynamic evolution of spaces over time. It underscores the idea that architectural quality is not just a product of intentional design but also emerges from the harmonious interactions between people and their built environment.
Therefore, each design stage equally emphasizes these concerns and develops a design approach by seeking answers to the questions it raises.



When we consider the spatial aspect of primary elements and their role independent of their function, we realise how closely they are identified with their presence in the city. They possess a value “in themselves” but also a value depending on their place in the city. In this sense, a historical building can be understood as a primary urban artifact; it may be disconnected from its original function, or over time take on functions different from those for which it was designed, but its quality as an urban artifact, as a generator of a form of the city, remains constant. 
(Rossi, 1982, page: 87)
‘In order to define this quality in buildings and in towns, we must begin by understanding that every place is given its character by certain patterns of events that keep on happening there. 
These patterns of events are always interlocked with certain geometric patterns in the space. Indeed, as we shall see, each building and each town is ultimately made out of these patterns in the space, and out of nothing else: they are the atoms and molecules from which a building or a town is made.’
(Alexander, 1980, page: x)
‘This quality in buildings and its towns cannot be made, but only generated, indirectly, by the ordinary actions of the people, just as a flower cannot be made, but only generated from the seed.’
(Alexander, 1980, page: xi)
After serving as the home of the Math & Social Science Faculty at the University of Manchester for over 50 years, the MSS Tower now stands abandoned. Presently, only the first few floors of the building are utilized for storage. The shift in the surrounding environment has significantly influenced the building’s purpose.
Currently situated in the midst of the Manchester City Fabrics intersection and at the periphery of the city center, the MSS Tower’s function has evolved. However, this change has not been seamless. The previous connection of the tower with the ground level through Mancunion Way has been disrupted, altering the building’s relationship with its surroundings. Paradoxically, this transformation has also elevated the tower’s status to that of a landmark.
The MSS Tower has assumed a new role today; it warmly greets individuals as they enter or exit the city. Its towering presence leaves a lasting and powerful visual impact on all who encounter it.


Consequently, in the process of designing its future, careful consideration has been given to the tower’s imposing proportions. The fundamental tenets of brutalist architecture, where form follows function, have been revisited. Simultaneously, the building has been endowed with novel functions that align with sustainability from social, environmental, and economic standpoints.

The impact of the Mancunian Way stands out as the most prominent factor in reshaping the building’s surroundings. This thoroughfare also acts as a defining boundary along the southern edge of the UMIST Campus. While it served as a critical addition to the city’s infrastructure, its construction has paradoxically weakened the building’s connection with its environment. This weakening is compounded by the undesirable transformation of the space beneath the Mancunian Way, which has evolved into an unwelcoming area.
Consequently, the building has severed its once-strong ties with the ground and the neighboring structures. Despite the presence of green spaces, these areas remain inaccessible to students and users, further isolating the building from its surroundings.
Moreover, the southern facade of the building, designed prior to the Mancunian Way’s construction, now exposes occupants to excessive noise, compounding the challenges.

Simultaneously, like many adaptive reuse projects, the building’s original characteristics and existing structures pose obstacles to accommodating new functions that necessitate alterations to its size and layout.
In essence, the Mancunian Way’s transformative effect has led to the degradation of the building’s relationship with its environment. The resulting issues include restricted accessibility due to isolated green spaces, an ill-suited southern facade that introduces noise-related inconveniences, and the inherent challenges of adapting an existing structure with historical features to new functions that demand varied spatial configurations.
1966 ‘First Proposal Building’
1966 ‘First Proposal Building’
2022 ‘Existing MSS Tower’
2022 ‘Existing MSS Tower’
‘Proposal Project'
‘Proposal Project'



The design process inherently raises questions and architectural considerations due to the nature of adaptive reuse projects. A pivotal query revolves around effectively repurposing the Tower while preserving the rights of future generations within the city. In tandem, the process pursues dual objectives. 
First, it aims to seamlessly integrate the building with its surroundings, achieving a harmonious blend. 

Second, it strives to enhance functionality by methodically segmenting the structure and introducing new purposes.

Furthermore, the design process assesses the structure’s requirements and potential user needs while acknowledging the boundaries of feasibility. Amid the array of design possibilities, the aim is to arrive at the most suitable solution by carefully weighing the limitations and necessities outlined by the design inquiries.
South-Facade of The Existing MSS Tower, view between residential fabric, Source; Author.
South-Facade of The Existing MSS Tower, view between residential fabric, Source; Author.
South-Facade of The  Existing MSS Tower, view from back of the Mncunian Way, Source; Author.
South-Facade of The Existing MSS Tower, view from back of the Mncunian Way, Source; Author.
North-Facade of The  Existing MSS Tower, view between UMIST Campus buildings, Source; Author.
North-Facade of The Existing MSS Tower, view between UMIST Campus buildings, Source; Author.
USER GROUPS  The MSS Tower used to be mainly for students, but because of where it is and how the area is changing, it could now be used by different groups of people.  Also, in the area around Manchester, there are many different types of people, like young workers and students. Recently, they’ve been fixing up the city center and the nearby places, and people are starting to like the old buildings more. This is making the kind of people who live here change.  When they plan things in the center of Manchester, they think about how many people are there and how different they are to make the city better for everyone.  All this information tells us that the MSS Tower could keep being an important part of Manchester’s busy city life. (Investigation Portfolio, Demographic Analysis, Page 21)
USER GROUPS The MSS Tower used to be mainly for students, but because of where it is and how the area is changing, it could now be used by different groups of people. Also, in the area around Manchester, there are many different types of people, like young workers and students. Recently, they’ve been fixing up the city center and the nearby places, and people are starting to like the old buildings more. This is making the kind of people who live here change. When they plan things in the center of Manchester, they think about how many people are there and how different they are to make the city better for everyone. All this information tells us that the MSS Tower could keep being an important part of Manchester’s busy city life. (Investigation Portfolio, Demographic Analysis, Page 21)
'Existing Building'
'Existing Building'
'Existing Building + Functional Separation'
'Existing Building + Functional Separation'
'Project Proposal + Functional Separation'
'Project Proposal + Functional Separation'
'Proposad Project'
'Proposad Project'
'Section A — A'
'Section A — A'
'Section B — B'
'Section B — B'

As an important and necessary design move, the old Tower circulation re-design to accommodate the amount of new users. New elevators were added and new staircases were designed to support intensive circulation of office floors & podium levels. In addition, the service areas including the toilet and stuff-rooms have been expanded considering to the number of people.

Considering the design problems, particularly the existing built environment of the Tower, the podium level showcases crucial and robust design decisions, drawing inspiration from Le Corbusier’s Villa Shonda. Through the incorporation of expansive openings, the choice of transparent materials, and a permeable floor plan, the design emphasizes a dynamic interaction with users at the podium level, precisely where the building meets the ground.

The Annex plays a crucial role in the design process, serving as a performance art center. In addition to the pre-existing square-shaped auditorium and lecture hall, the Annex has been extended and streamlined to encompass the courtyard. A suspended structure above the ground serves as a welcoming entrance for users, simultaneously highlighting the tower’s brutalist architectural features.
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