
Art Centre, Research Method Project Proposal
Northern Quarter, Manchester
This project is going to find a solution for the economic and environmental issues related to the urban development in Northern Quarter, including the management of waste, the natural environment and derelict buildings.   

The main aim of this project has been answering the question of  'How can the existing assets of the Northern Quarter be sustainably retrofitted to improve the local economy and environment? 
In this regard, it has been crucial to probe new ways for turning the Northern Quarter into an area of smart economy and environment. We have aimed to achieve this through finding an efficient and sustainable approach for improving the coherence and quality of the existing and proposed green spaces in the area. Furthermore, I will look to utilising abandoned buildings in the Northern Quarter in a manner that improves the local economy whilst protecting the existing sense of place.
Manchester is the archetype city of the Industrial Revolution and the Northern Quarter shows the testimony to change which has been happening in the historic fabric. Like every defined district, the Northern Quarter is bounded by various artefacts. It can be listed as old city boundaries, old Ancoats industrial district and water as a natural barrier.
The Northern Quarter is a part of the city centre and the boundaries of the district began to form in the middle of the 19th century, when the Manchester Cotton industry was beginning to develop. The district is located on the border of the Medieval district and the Ancoats Industrial District is located at the north-east edge of the district (Simon Taylor, J. H., 2008). 
After the first residential area, which started to settle in the Northwest direction from the city centre, the district continued to grew up to the canal in the south-east direction, until the beginning of the 21st century. Today, although Northern Quarter has an obvious boundaries that well-known by society, it’s domain has been continuing to grow (Simon Taylor, M. C., P.S. Barnwell., 2002).
In the 1840’s Manchester was the worlds first Industrial city: a Cottonopolis, reaching its peak before World War 1. The Northern Quarter was at the centre of one of the most significant economic changes in history (Simon Taylor, J. H., 2008).
In the 90’s the Northern Quarter reinvented itself to: Low rent, long life, Loose fit. The warehouses were perfect to convert into residential, hospitality and retail spaces The lack of financial feasibility to develop large scale helped the urban fabric remain constant. 
The Northern Quarter as such wasn’t present as a distinct area until the mid-1990’s when a number of interested parties, named and branded the area as such. Following this the area has seen a steady decline. By the 20th Century the NQ was marginalized as Arndale and Market street entered the context (Simon Taylor, M. C., P.S. Barnwell., 2002).
By analysing the existing demographics thought the Digimap databases we were able to examine the broad characteristics of the people residing in the Northern Quarter.

The Population density (refer to Fig.1.) in the Northern Quarter gets higher as we get further from the city centre. This is due to the city centre mostly containing commercial and retail locations. This echoes the city's development after the war when people who could afford it moved to the suburbs of Manchester. Most people living here are either people living alone or cohabiting parents. Due to its nature of being the epicentre of Manchester's development, it has been an industrial area throughout the years, which means that more workers are living there. Employment is still very high all over NQ except for four regions. The overall health in NQ is good and does not impact any activity. 

From this analysis, we believe that most of the people in Northern Quarter are either cohabiting parents or live alone; most are employed and live healthy lives. 

The Zone 5 is located in the North-East corner side of the Northern Quarter. The dense urban fabric between 1890 and 1950 was replaced by lower density high-rise buildings with the end of industrial-oriented growth.After 1950, it became close to its present appearance with new regulations on the urban scale. 
Although the zone-site has a long history, only one of the structures is from the 1900s. changing user profiles and functions demanded by site residents can be shown as factors causing this situation. 
With the withdrawal of industry from the region, warehouses and industrial buildings have been replaced by residences and hotels. Nowadays, although the area is dominated by residential buildings, the places of demolished buildings continue to be used as car parking lots without any regulation. Considering potential population growth, necessary propositions are discussed and added later in the document.

Smart environment collaborate with a series of systems to solve environmental problems and create more efficient and sustainable ways to deal with climate change. The project proposes the new smart environment system strategy that works together with Smart Economy System and Social Strategy System effectively. The system predicts establishing cooperation with other systems not only to ensure the continuity of the system, but also to ensure its own development and innovation.  The Smart Environment Systems Strategy, considering to distinctive construction of the region, is supported by 'Innovations and Research'.Therefore, the participation of the society in the system is inevitable important. System provides participation of population with 'Recreation Area'.
The major contribution that is necessary for sustainability is provided by the below 'Sustainable Natural Resource Management', which is the main step of the system and provides the greatest benefit to the recycling within the system.

The social domain of the strategy focuses on engaging society members in the decision-making process, identifying stakeholders and their positive and negative impact on the project. 
In addition, the social strategy system helps the surrounding community, defining the suitable methods that also provide major contribution for continuity of the local community. We propose that this is done through improved and new green spaces Across the Northern Quarter, examples of these have been indicated to the right. 
(Ayman Ahmed Ezzat Othman, H. E., 2018), (Diana Apostol, C. B. And Constantinescu, E. M., 2015), (European And Commission, 2022), T.M. Vinod Kumar, B. D.,2017)
The Smart Economy is an economy depents on technological developments, susrainable natural resource management, and sustainability. Also Smart Economy aims to increases the productivity and competitiveness. (Diana Apostol, C. B. And Constantinescu, E. M., 2015)
The three core components of a smart growth economic development strategy are supporting businesses, supporting workers, and supporting quality of life. (Ayman Ahmed Ezzat Othman, H. E., 2018), (Diana Apostol, C. B. And Constantinescu, E. M., 2015).

The programme interiorize The circular economy diagrams & The Sharing Economy Systems therefore these systems  provide the major contribution to the reuse, recycling and recycling of industrial waste and build the connection between private and local company that is the best way to support economical growth locally.
Moreover, the economic growth is supported in a sustainable way, the environmental sustainability and economical sustainability become an hour wheel. (Diana Apostol, C. B. And Constantinescu, E. M., 2015).

Standards for environmental sustainability vary greatly, based on local economic, social and environmental conditions. On the other hand Economic sustainability refers to practices that support long-term economic growth without adversely affecting the social, environmental and cultural aspects of society.Contrary to the controversial relationship between economic sustainability and the environment, there is a linear relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution. (European And Commission, 2022), T.M. Vinod Kumar, B. D., 2017)
The Zone 5 is located in the North-East corner side of the Northern Quarter. The dense urban fabric between 1890 and 1950 was replaced by lower density high-rise buildings with the end of industrial-oriented growth. With the withdrawal of industry from the region, warehouses and industrial buildings have been replaced by residences and hotels.
A new field setup is proposed for the project area, which is related to the smart economy system as well as the smart environment. While creating a square-defined regression area surrounded by the new building texture, it provides the city residents with the valuable city land,
which is used as a car parking lot, as a green area. The craft building built on top of the old building establishes a new connection between the old façade. Creates a new visual impact. On the other hand, the tower that is located in the centre of the square, not only using as a art centre, also it has a significant in the visual effect on the city silhouette.
The craft building built on top of the old building establishes a new connection between the old façade. Creates a new visual impact around current facade.
The building connected with Tower and Education center with high way

The tower that is located in the centre of the square, not only using as a art centre, also it has a significant in the visual effect on the city silhouette. On the other hand, the vertical gardens located in the top floors of the building. 
The training center is located in the North-East corner of the project site. The roof of the building creates an observation point for visitors and connects the tower with the basement.
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