Diploma Project, Design Project VI
Project Portfolio

Project Tutors:
Deniz Bahar Çalış Kural & Sinan Logie
Every place has its own identity which was build throughout its history. Identities hollow out in time and makes the past and creates an İllusion, in return the city is bound to the limits of its history and unable to grasp the reality of today’s world, it imprisons the city makes it more resistant to change, interpretation, renewal. Identity cosistsof culture but culture is not static it is obliged to change, disappear, revive with time. Cities should protect their histories but should not try to resuscitate it. Every era the main actors change and in response to this, our solutions to the changed problems should be readapted to suit its time. In my case Kagıthane has a rich history since the Ottoman period. It is a place trying to hold on to its historical culture which in today’s world is nothing but an empty vessel a shell. The actions of the
municipality to reactivate Kagıthane or the Ottoman names given to gated communities are good example of th hollow reminder of the urban memory. In the post modern era we live in today, where construction is shifted from horizontality to verticality, whre the skyscapers will be the definitive typology of our era, they exis everywhere and swallow everything creating a dead buffer zone around it. This is the same case in the north of Kagıthane. It is been seized by skyscrapers and large amount of husing units around its periphery. These create different landscape components with no interaction between each other. The coast of Kagıthane stream has a large radial of impact and has the potential to link these components and create a co-existent communiity with a sustainable enviroment.
After the fabric analysis of Cendere Vadis, I determined the intersection area of different fabric as the focal area. All this area is the fastest changing area along the cendere valley. A new identity has been defined recently. The area whose old green texture has been destroyed while trying to be transformed into a silicon valley.
After the upper scale analysis, I made point analyzes in order to better understand the region. The loss of the historical texture of the area and the reinforced concrete construction caused the region to lose its old texture. The continuity of the green axis of the Cendere valley, which is connected with the northern forests, has been broken. Re-creating this axis is one of the main aim of the project.
Houses that produce their own food were built in the newly created living space. The new houses were placed at the points determined on solar analysis to ensure the most efficient production.
A new grid plan is drawn with the largest gap at the center. The newly designed city plan on this grid is placed at the highest level with the old texture.
New housing texture on grid system is recommended instead of destroyed housing weighted building texture.
A new grid plan is drawn with the largest gap at the center. The newly designed city plan on this grid is placed at the highest level with the old texture.
The roads placed on the grid system connect the spaces.
Pro.Town (production town) project is located on the edge of Kagıthane stream. Although the region is known for its historical texture, it has lost this texture in the last 50 years. The locations of the erased historical traces took dense residential texture and large concrete surfaces. The new housing concept built in these areas is inspired by the usage practices in the historical past of Kagıthane. As in its old texture, the production activity that benefits from the stream merges with the housing. Defines a new urban lifestyle that lives with producing.
The Agricultural Town project aims for a lifestyle that is self-sufficient, produces, transforms and shares. It aims to create a strong society with the common experience of production in urban agriculture. “It offers an edible housing unit”
According to the researches, it is foreseen that the agricultural areas will be insufficient by 2050 due to the population increase in the world * Therefore, it is important to include areas where production can be made in new housing units for the continuity of life and for the citizens to feel safe. Research shows that individuals who have the opportunity to produce their own food feel economically safe at the same time encourage “urban / agriculture” social unity in these low-cost farming areas. It provides social exchange between different ethnic and social economic groups. The shared experience strengthens the sense of belonging to the community Thanks to the open circulation system in the Pro.Town project, open and closed common areas, residents reinforce their sense of living together.
As of today, 30% to 40% of food production is lost due to failures in the transportation, storage and distribution chain in the world. For these reasons, “Building the building to feed the city” solves the waste food problem, reduces greenhouse gas emission, and reduces consumption and energy savings in the urban market.These low-cost agricultural areas under the control of citizens also provide economic vitality, protection of the landscape and the environment. Thanks to the agricultural areas to be added to the structures, the use and transformation of urban wastes (waste food that may be composted) and natural resources (water, sun, wind) are ensured.
Urban farming areas, which are often seen as “hobby gardens”, are used spontaneously and discontinuously. In order for these areas to take a permanent place in the future in the form of sustainable life, a common new order should be established in the units to be established. This order can predict that it will provide continuity in case it provides economic benefits. From an economic point of view, it can be said that urban agricultural activities will produce high economic value through efficient production strategies. In addition to producing its own food, profits from the production surplus ensure the permanence of the order. The level of employment increases and indirectly, the micro enterprises with the agricultural cycle increase the potential to win. Pro.Town  proposes a local cycle in the common market area for the continuity of this system. Successful production can be achieved with calendars. Agricultural Town provides 900m2 of agricultural land (700m2 of open agricultural area and 200m2 of greenhouse area) as well as 950m2 of residential area of ​​a residential unit.
The UNITS can be described as a sustainable, self-sufficient structure designed to minimize its carbon footprint while producing enough food to support its residents. This structure type is commonly called an eco-friendly or green building.
The building uses renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power to achieve zero-net carbon emissions. It employs energy-efficient systems and materials such as insulation and smart thermostats. Additionally, the building indicates incorporate features such as rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling systems to reduce water usage.
The building has incorporated green spaces such as rooftop gardens, hydroponic or aquaponic systems, and indoor farming facilities to produce food for residents. These features allow for producing fruits, vegetables, herbs, and even animal products, such as eggs from chickens or honey from bees.
Overall, a zero-net carbon structure capable of producing enough food for residents requires careful planning and design and a commitment to sustainable living practices. However, such structures offer a promising vision for a more eco-friendly and self-sufficient future.
The slab blocks can be describing a type of housing that uses slab blocks as a construction method, similar to the designs of architect Le Corbusier. The blocks can create a communal atmosphere for residents, as the units are often designed to be clustered together and share common spaces.Using slab blocks can also save on covered area and reduce the amount of land needed for construction, as these structures often have a smaller footprint than traditional housing designs. Additionally, using slab blocks can help to avoid damage to agricultural lands, as they can be built vertically, leaving more space available for farming and other agricultural activities. While the blocks can offer benefits in terms of communal living and sustainable construction, it is important to also consider the potential drawbacks.
Some critics of Le Corbusier's designs have pointed out that they can feel oppressive and lack individuality, and that the communal spaces can become overcrowded and difficult to maintain.

Overall, using slab blocks as a construction method can be a viable option for sustainable housing, but it is important to carefully consider the design and implementation of these structures to ensure that they meet the needs and preferences of residents while also minimizing negative impacts on the environment.

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