Project Video
Project Team
Berkan Yıldız, Canan Işık, Celal Kaldı, Eylül Tulcalı,
Gizem Atalık, Maria Kadıoğlu, Tuğçe Terhan, Yaprak Kaynar
In this group project, we aimed to design and construct a tunnel that offers a unique spatial experience by incorporating a complex array of space cage systems. To achieve this, we utilized the three modules we developed, each with a distinct function and form, to create a cohesive whole that showcases the potential of spatial manipulation.

To ensure the feasibility of our design, we started working on a 1/50 scale model, which allowed us to identify and address potential issues with the combination of modules and the overall structure. As expected, we encountered several challenges related to the module connection, which required careful consideration and innovative solutions.

Through a collaborative effort, we developed a joint detail that resolved the connection issues and enhanced the tunnel's structural integrity. Using our system and connection details, we constructed a tunnel that spans 4 meters in width and 5 meters in length. It reaches a maximum height of 3.5 meters at its highest point, accommodating four entry areas.

The completed tunnel showcases the effectiveness of our design approach, which emphasizes the importance of modular systems and intricate connection details. The unique spatial experience it offers reflects our dedication to pushing the boundaries of spatial design and construction.
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